by Ke-Niah-Kiw “Kay Kay” Weso


Welcome to fall term Cougs!

I hope that your year so far has been exciting, interesting, and fun.  If it hasn’t been, you need to get involved in the Native Center, as we have had fun events nearly every week!

WSU Stickgame team going for gold at the stickgame tournament at WSU Spokane!

In mid-September, doctoral student Angela Picard taught a lesson on stickgame for all interested students.  She shared some history, as well as gave some “pointers” to prep students for a stickgame tournament WSU was entered in on Oct 1!

Stickgame players Elsie Cree, Jeannie Hamby and Raymond Matt traveled up to Spokane with myself, Faith Price and Barbara Aston on Saturday Oct 1 for a social event with our colleagues and students from North Idaho College, the University of Idaho, Lewis and Clark State College, Northwest Indian College Lapwai, and our hosts WSU Spokane! We learned about nutrition and exercise from WSU Spokane students, and did some aerobics led by Robbie Paul.  Students were able to make their own lip gloss in a pharmacy lab, and finally compete in a stickgame tournament!  It was a close game, but a combo team from NWIC, U of I, and LCSC beat WSU in the championship.

Anthony Choke
Anthony Choke (r) teaches DJ Coger the finer points of cedar headband making.

This past week, WSU senior Anthony Choke from the Nisqually tribe, shared his talents with us by teaching students how to weave cedar headbands. If you weren’t able to attend, he will be teaching another cedar weaving project in spring semester!

If you have not visited the Native American Student Center in Cleveland Hall 21B, please stop by and say “hi.” We have computers, printing, a relaxing atmosphere, and a small bistro all set up for you to come and use.  We have a free lunch called the “First Friday Feed” on the first Friday of each month.  On October 19, we will be holding a community dinner.  Indian tacos are on the menu, and anyone who would like to learn how to make frybread is invited to come early at 4pm for a hands-on lesson from doctoral student Phill Allen!

Events for the week are posted in the Native Center, as well as sent out in the weekly Native Student Announcements. You can also like our Facebook page: WSU Native Center for updates, information, and opportunities to be involved in your campus community.

I will be reaching out to new Freshmen and Transfer students by telephone, so if you get a call from (509) 335-8677, you will know that it is me calling you.

As your Retention Specialist, I am here to help you with anything that is confusing, frustrating, or for a corny joke! My office is located at 25 Cleveland Hall, within the Native American Student Center (NASC), and I am here to help you.  Please stop by and introduce yourself.  I will be here for you when you need help.

Keniahkiw Weso

Ke-Niah-Kiw “Kay Kay” Weso
Native American Retention Specialist

Washington State University
Cleveland Hall 25
509-335-8677 or