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Powwow Sweat

Chinook 20 Fitness Studio Pullman

Bring your friends for a fun workout while busting some powwow moves! We will be streaming a video of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe's "Powwow Sweat" series that will lead participants through a series of dance styles. No experience necessary! Come prepared to laugh, have fun, and work up a sweat!

Film Screening: Reel Injun

College Hall Room 125 Pullman

Join the Department of Anthropology for a screening of the film, "Reel Injun" - the film explores the portrayal of Native Americans through cinema and how the myth of "the Injun" has influenced the world's understanding and misunderstanding of Native Americans. Native Programs Retention Specialist Joelle Berg will help lead a discussion following the movie! […]

Rock Your Mocs!

Native American Student Center 220 SE Idaho St., Pullman

Celebrate Indigenous culture and wear your moccasins all day at WSU! Take a photo or video and use the hashtags #RockYourMocs and #RockYourMocs2019 on social media. Stop by the NASC at noon for a group photo of the WSU community proudly rocking our mocs! Represent!